Our Services

PathSight Delivers The “Instant Aha”

The PathSight engine is based on an integrated scientific model that focuses on why people do what they do. Our 5 Worldviews combine our knowledge of a customer’s biologic instincts, values and core attributes to map how they think, act and determine why they buy, join and like.

Marketing And Sales

Gain Critical Insights Into Your Customers & Market Drivers

PathSight delivers the “Instant Ah-ha.” Think of the Instant Ah-ha as the feeling you have when you meet someone who really gets you. You can’t explain it. You don’t know how it happens. You just know it feels great. To be able to do this on purpose requires a different way of looking at things. High performing brands know this. And this is what PathSight does.

The truth is that in today’s flat, crowded and connected world the rush to embrace”Big Data” has left most companies in the same place: Searching for a way to create authentic and impactful relationships that deliver meaningful outcomes. The PathSight approach was designed to address this exact business need head on.

We help you at every step of the way by helping you identify exactly what drives your target audience, where to reach them, and what messages will resonate with them emotionally and when. There is a lot of competition out there. Break through the noise by giving your target audience that Instant Ah-ha, so they say “You Just Get Me.”

A Strong Foundation & Clear Direction

The science behind PathSight empowers your company to make creative and outreach decisions through an evidence based communications framework. The narratives define the words, images and themes to use and avoid that can be leveraged to increase lead generation, sales, loyalty and brand affinity for each customer or target audience. With a strong creative framework and strategy in place, your company will be set up to measure success.

Consulting Services

PathSight consulting services provide your company with unique perspectives, clarity, innovative solutions to your toughest challenges and support for your strategies. The Model of Why is central to everything we do. Our team has advanced degrees in psychology, business, finance, and organizational leadership, and a combined decades of success helping companies like yours thrive.

PathSight serves in an advisory role or serve as a direct vender of these products.

Predictive Modeling

Scale your marketing and sales efforts, and increase your ROI with predictive data modeling. PathSight creates a proprietary model of any market and uses that model to guide everything that follows. This model could be as simple as converting a data derived mailing list into a segmented list of PathSight Worldviews that allows for highly personalized messaging, or analyzing your market to determine the impact of these worldview on market drivers, product attributes and motivators to purchase. Predictive modeling puts you in the drivers seat.


Branding & Positioning

Your product and services are only as good as the positioning and messaging around them. Dynamic Brand Management allows us to identify who is and isn’t responding to your ask, and WHY that is. It helps you to figure out when an ask is losing its power, and what you need to do about it. Detailed customer journey mapping provides the means to integrated campaigns across multiple media platforms.

Creative Design Services

PathSight takes your vision, and turns it into tangible campaign creatives. Whether you’re in need of a logo, campaign creative, UX design, or copy writing, PathSight has you covered.


Research & Insights

This capacity to do real time market research is the way we begin to understand how a product, its consumers, a brand, a service or a cause navigates to world. At PathSight we have a unique worldview model of people that clarifies why they like, join, vote and buy things. It provides for a more insightful way to understand people and is completely compatible with demographic based segmentation strategies.

There is no time like the present to see how PathSight’s Model of Why can help your organization succeed.

Leadership & Inclusion

Defining the Workplace of the Future

Modern work culture finds itself today at the intersection between a great promise of reinvention and the last gasps of an aging set of institutions, norms and structures.

How do you understand and motivate today’s workforce? Being a corporate leader today has never been more complicated than it is right now. The demands of operating a business are daunting between the logistics of sourcing products, managing supply chains, financial engineering, marketing, sales, data analytics, communications and personnel management.

PathSight uses a different set of tools to understand employees. We recommends a holistic system that builds insights that rely on the whole-person perspective. Focusing on the whole person typically results in identifying attributes that are more stable and transcend any situational peculiarities. A whole person approach is also multidimensional and not reliant on systems built on a single factor that claims comprehensive understanding and behavior typing.

Population Based Insights

With our persistent reliance on whole persons insights, we identify those attributes, traits, and values that persist across situations and topics to reveal how your work populations is comprised. Our capacity to provide a new starting point by linking foundational instincts to traditional demographics, values and behaviors provides a unique assessment tool in your work.

Inclusive Productivity

PathSight provides a broader context for Diversity, Inclusion and Equity training by addressing the future of the hybrid workspace. By taking a longer-term view of these challenges we pinpoint the exact right solution for your organization as you grapple with an evolving work at home strategy, demands for social justice and a pursuit of healthier lifestyles. Our methods provide sustainable behavior change.

Advanced Teaming Metrics

Consistent with the future of the hybrid workspace, PathSight believes in measuring a unique set of tendencies for high performing teams. These are highly predictive elements that allows for maximum productivity, satisfaction and utilization of your employees.


Our Process Works


Establish. Your Need


PathSight works with you to clearly define the nature of what your goals are. We look to the data that defines them, and how our proprietary data can contribute to the solution. We conduct competitor analysis, key stakeholder interviews, and in depth meetings to get to intimately get to know your company, products, brands and goals.


Articulate The Why


The insights derived from the Analyze phase are used to craft a strategic engagement framework for achieving the goals of the program. This typically includes clearly articulating the value proposition and then creating a campaign narrative, creative collateral and a catalogue of words images and themes to be deployed. This strategic plan is typically translated into a customer journey that details how it will be executed. Any array of media, messaging and outcomes are applicable to this process.


Engage The Why

Actionable Insights: Every PathSight deployment is an iterative process where each objective is articulated with measurable objectives that are tracked and assessed. As such programs are often adjusted and fine tuned throughout the implementation phase. The execution is applied within the context of strategic problem solving.


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