In the case of the “55% of White women who voted for President Donald Trump” we know Why. Our view of voting is that everyone has core beliefs that influence how we vote. Those beliefs or issues tend to aggregate for or against a candidate. Here...
We were interested in how Americans rated some of the broad-based categories of their identities. Across multiple US census-based populations we asked people how important certain traits were to them. The traits were their age, their...
Visit ArxivDownload PDFOther Formats: (License) (Submitted on 5 Dec 2017 (v1), last revised 21 Nov 2018 (this version, v4)) Personal electronic devices including smartphones give access to behavioural signals that can be used to learn about the characteristics and...
P athsight Predictive Science, a Connecticut Data Science Company announced today the release of its “Summer Series of Insights.” Pathsight Predictive Analytics, a Connecticut Data Sciences Company announces today the release of its “Summer Series of...
The lessons from the Presidential Election are not hidden in age, gender, ethnicity or income. Presidential elections are often reflective moments, and this years was no anomaly. The divide in this country has been under intense and growing scrutiny since the November...